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System Conversions

If you struggle to manage data in antiquated systems, it might be time to convert to a Windows-based desktop program like Access, which offers the same conventions and ease-of-use you've grown accustomed to in your other Microsoft desktop applications, plus so much more! We can take your existing data and build a more powerful application to perform tedious tasks all in a few simple mouse clicks.

System Modifications

Perhaps you already have an Access application sitting idle on your network because your programmer quit, leaving behind a system that nobody can support or upgrade. We can get under the hood, determine your requirements, then fix or enhance the system so you can get it up and running again, better than before.

Systems Analysis

If all you want to do is take a look at your existing data from a new angle, we can import it into Access, analyze it, repair it, clean it, merge files, create queries and reports, then send it back to you ASAP.

New Systems

Maybe you would like a new customized application to help with your business needs.  We can develop a system according to your specifications that will meet the highest standards of quality and ease of use.



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Copyright © 2002 M.I.S. Software
Last modified: May 16, 2004